What are the Requirements of Buy Miami?
In order to properly showcase and market your products and services to the community, your business must:
- Be located in The City of Miami.
- Offer a Good Deal: We encourage you to provide something of value - be creative and try something new! Examples include:
- 15% off discount or more
- Buy One Get One Free “BOGO“
- Free Gift with Purchase
- Provide Feedback – We need your feedback to ensure the program is effective. Please keep track of how many people mention or show "Buy Miami".
How do I Sign Up?
1. Gather the Proper Information.
In order for us to create your website listing, you will need to submit:
- Name of your company, store, program or location
- Address in The City of Miami (Street Address is required; a P.O. Box is not an eligible address)
- Phone Number
- Company Logo: PDF, JPG, PNG formats are acceptable
- Contact person + email for The City to contact you
- Your website (if applicable)
2. Complete Our Form
You must complete this form, at which point we will verify your business and your offer. You will hear back from us.
Complete Buy Miami Business Submission
3. Await Response
Someone from The City will contact you to confirm your participation.