Minutes: Civil Service Board, June 11, 2024

City of Miami

3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL  33133




Meeting Minutes


Tuesday, June 11, 2024


10:00 AM


Commission Chambers







Civil Service Board


Troy Sutton, Chairperson

Rodrigo Jimenez, Chief Examiner

Rafael Cabrera, Board Member

Ulysses Garcia, Board Member

Wilbur Jackson Jr., Board Member


Pledge of Allegiance


The meeting was called to order at 10:20 am, with the Pledge of Allegiance.  At commencement of the meeting, attendance was as follows:


Attendee Name




Troy Sutton




Rodrigo Jimenez

Chief Examiner



Rafael Cabrera

Board Member



Ulysses Garcia

Board Member



Wilbur M. Jackson, Jr.

Board Member




Adoption of Agenda

Chair Sutton asked if there were any revisions to the Agenda.  Hearing none, a motion to adopt the Agenda as printed was considered and resulted as follows:

Motion by Board Member Jackson, Jr., seconded by Board Member Jimenez, that this matter be Approved, passed by the following vote:

AYES:                  Sutton, Jimenez, Cabrera, Garcia, Jackson, Jr.


Approving of the Minutes


Civil Service Board - Regular Meeting - May 28, 2024 10:00 AM

Motion by Board Member Jackson, Jr., seconded by Board Member Jimenez, that this matter be Approved, passed by the following vote:

AYES:                  Sutton, Jimenez, Cabrera, Garcia, Jackson, Jr.


B.        Personnel Matters


Copy of a memorandum from Chief Manuel A. Morales, Director, Department of Police, requesting an extension of probationary period of Marvin Bravo, Police Lieutenant, for six (6) additional months beyond July 16, 2024. (DISCUSSION)

Major Keandra Simmons, Police Major and Qiana Sanders-Bell, Personnel Manager, appeared before the Board on behalf of the department. Marvin Bravo, Police Lieutenant, appeared and expressed an objection to the probationary extension. Following responses to questioning by the Board, the Board entered amotion to GRANT the extension as requested, which resulted as follows:

Motion by Board Member Cabrera, seconded by Board Member Jackson Jr., that this matter be Approved, passed by the following vote:

AYES:                  Sutton, Jimenez, Cabrera, Garcia, Jackson, Jr.




Copy of a memorandum from Chief Joseph F. Zahralban, Director, Fire-Rescue Department, requesting an extension of probationary period of Judith Fernandez, Emergency Dispatcher, for six (6) additional months beyond August 6, 2024. (DISCUSSION)

Chair Sutton asked for the parties in this matter to come forward.Grant Musser, Fire Captain, appeared on behalf of the department. Following discussion, it appeared that the employee was not given a notice to appear. The Board considered a motion to Table this item for the meeting of June 25, 2024, which resulted as follows:

Motion by Board Member Jackson, Jr., seconded by Board Member Cabrera, that this matter be Approved, passed by the following vote:

AYES:                  Sutton, Jimenez, Cabrera, Garcia, Jackson, Jr.




Copy of a memorandum from Chris Evans, Director, Parks and Recreation Department, requesting an extension of probationary period of Qunyatta Warren, Cultural Center Manager, for four (4) additional months beyond June 26, 2024. (DISCUSSION)

Chair Sutton asked for the parties in this matter to come forward.  Chris Evans, Director and LaCleveia Morley-Snipes, Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation, appeared before the Board, and advised that the department is requesting an additional four (4) months probationary period, to allow Mr. Warren time to demonstrate his ability to successfully perform the scope of duties outlined his job description. Qunyatta Warren, Cultural Center Manager, appeared before the Board and expressed an objection to the probationary extension request. Given the information provided by both the department and Mr. Warren, the Board recommended allowing the employee to become permanent at his one year.


Questions were posed by Members Cabrera, Jimenez, Sutton, Rodrigo and Garcia. Following discussion, the Board made a motion to DENY the extension request, which resulted as follows:

Motion by Board Member Cabrera, seconded by Board Member Garcia, that this matter be Approved, passed by the following vote:

AYES:                  Sutton, Jimenez, Cabrera, Garcia, Jackson, Jr.


C.        Military Leaves of Absence


Angelo Viniegra, Firefighter, requests Military Leave without pay from May 19, 2024, through June 18, 2024. Copy of Orders submitted. (DISCUSSION)

Motion by Board Member Jimenez, seconded by Board Member Garcia, that this matter be Approved, passed by the following vote:

AYES:                  Sutton, Jimenez, Cabrera, Garcia




Steven Miro, Special Advisor, Office of the City Commission, District 1, requests re-employment as a Special Advisor following his return from Military Leave. Copy of an email from the Director of Human Resources of the Florida State Guard submitted. (DISCUSSION)

Motion by Board Member Jimenez, seconded by Board Member Garcia, that this matter be Approved, passed by the following vote:

AYES:                  Sutton, Jimenez, Cabrera, Garcia


D.        Disciplinary Matters


Copy of a letter from Arthur Noriega, V., City Manager notifying Daniel Seijo, Web Developer I, of his Termination, effective May 20, 2024. (NOTIFICATION)


Copy of a letter from Arthur Noriega, V., City Manager notifying Corey L. Taylor, Waste Collector Operator II, of his Termination, effective May 20, 2024. (NOTIFICATION)


E.        General Items


Proposed Amendment adding Civil Service Rule and Regulation Section 16.3- Whistleblower. (DISCUSSION)

Stephanie Panoff, Assistant City Attorney, appeared before the Board and stated it is the City’s position that Rule 16 should not be changed in any way; however, she understood the will of the Board and provided a proposal.


Special Counsel Clyne presented his proposed version and agreed with adding some of the language that ACA Panoff proposed. He went on to explain that he wants the process to be fair to all so he can take into consideration the proposals brought forward today and report back to the Board.


Chair Sutton asked if anyone was in opposition to the proposed Rule change. Eugene Gibbons, Attorney, Bushel & Gibbons Law, appeared via Zoom and agreed that the Rule should be discussed further and welcomed Special Counsel to contact him should the need arise.


Following discussion, the Board agreed to Table this matter, which resulted as follows:

Motion by Board Member Jimenez, seconded by Board Member Garcia, that this matter be Approved, passed by the following vote:

AYES:                  Sutton, Jimenez, Cabrera, Garcia




Findings of Fact concerning the Appeal Hearing on behalf of Hector Macias de Coro, former Grounds Tender, as it relates to his Termination, effective September 11, 2023. (DISCUSSION)

Noting that Mr. Macias de Coro was not present, the Chair asked if there were any objections forwarded to the Office or from the department. Hearing none, a motion to ADOPT the Findings of Fact as presented was considered as follows:

Motion by Board Member Cabrera, seconded by Board Member Jimenez, that this matter be Approved, passed by the following vote:

AYES:                  Sutton, Jimenez, Cabrera, Garcia


F.         Reports


Hearings Pending List as of June 11, 2024. (NOTIFICATION)


G.        Requests for Hearings



H.        Today's Hearings


Appeal Hearing on behalf of Mabel Soto, Police Officer, concerning her 10-hour suspension and 10-hour forfeiture, effective July 1, 2023.

Jazmine Preston-O’Neil, Assistant City Attorney, requested a continuance in this matter pending settlement. ACA Preston-O’Neil advised that once the agreement is executed, a copy will be forwarded to the Civil Service Board Office.

Motion by Board Member Cabrera, seconded by Board Member Garcia, that this matter be Approved, passed by the following vote:

AYES:                  Sutton, Jimenez, Cabrera, Garcia, Jackson, Jr.




Appeal Hearing on behalf of Juan Ramos, Grounds Tender, concerning his 192-hour suspension, effective October 5, 2022.

Following the lunch break, Mr. Ramos advised the Board of his Notice of withdrawal.  This matter will be considered WITHDRAWN and removed from the Board’s docket.






A break was taken at: 12:34pm – 1:49pm (lunch).  There being no further business before the Board, a motion was entered to adjourn the meeting at 1:51 pm, which resulted as follows:

Motion by Board Member Cabrera, seconded by Board Member Jimenez, that this matter be Approved, passed by the following vote:

AYES:                  Sutton, Jimenez, Cabrera, Garcia






Troy Sutton, Chairperson





Tishria L. Mindingall, Executive Secretary