Heat Season Plan



The City is Seeking Your Feedback on the City of Miami Draft Heat Season Plan!

In response to extreme heat Miami experienced last summer, the City has developed a Draft Heat Season Plan that outlines actions related to shading, cooling, and initial design that can address ambient heat, especially during Heat Season (May 1 – October 31).

Please review and let us know your feedback on the draft plan. The public feedback period is open from April 15 – July 15, 2024.

What’s Included in the Draft Plan?

This Heat Season Plan is organized into three cooling solutions and a Heat Response Protocol detailing actions departments will take during Heat Season and Heat Events.

The three Cooling Solutions for the City of Miami Heat Season Plan are:

  1. SHADE: Includes actions to help people stay cool in shaded environments.
  2. WATER: Includes actions to help people stay cool and hydrated by increasing access to water resources.
  3. DESIGN: Includes actions to help people stay cool in their homes and at work.

Heat Response Protocol: Includes short-term actions to immediately address the acute symptoms of extreme heat. Includes a timeline and communications strategy. 

Read the Draft Heat Season Plan

Lea el borrador del Plan para la temporada de calor extremo en español

Li bouyon Plan sezon chalè ekstrèm an kreyòl ayisyen


We are taking feedback through July 15, 2024. There are two ways you can provide feedback:

1. Email your feedback to resilience@miami.gov with the Subject Line "Heat Season Plan Comments"


2. Fill out our feedback form by July 15, 2024


Stay tuned for additional public input opportunities.