Short-term Rental, Mortgage and Utility (STRMU) Assistance Program

The Short-term Rental, Mortgage and Utility Assistance Program (hereafter referred to as STRMU) is for income-eligible households who have a member who is HIV+, and can provide multiple weeks of short-term rental, mortgage and/or utility assistance to help keep the applicant housed. The household must be low income. 

  1. You must be HIV+.
  2. Your total household income cannot exceed 80% of Area Median Income, as per HUD guidelines for current year.
  3. You must currently live in rental housing in Miami-Dade County and be named as tenant or occupant under the written lease or own the home you live in.
  4. Your monthly rent or mortgage payment, plus basic utilities (telephone, electricity, water & sewer, gas and trash), may not be more than 60% of your current monthly total household income.
  5. You cannot be receiving housing or utility assistance from another program.
  6. You must be a U.S. Citizen or have lawful immigrant status.
    Please note: The STRMU Program cannot assist persons in foreclosure proceedings or homeless persons (meaning living in places not meant for human habitation, the streets, emergency shelters, transitional housing or temporarily with friends or family). 


Interested persons can call CARE Resource at 305-576-1234, Ext. 110 or Ext. 129, to inquire about eligibility and/or set up an appointment. 




Based on need, the Program can provide up to 21 weeks of assistance during any 52-week period. Forms of assistance are:

• Rent; back rent; and late fees.
• Mortgage; mortgage in arrears; late fees; taxes, insurance and other fees if escrowed.
• Basic utilities, except telephone.

Please note: STRMU Program funds are limited. Assistance is provided on a first-come, first-served basis