Local HOPWA funds are directed towards assisting eligible clients with housing designed to prevent homelessness, including emergency short-term rental, mortgage and utility assistance, long-term rental assistance, project-based rental assistance, operating assistance for project-based housing and community residences; and, when funds allow, capital funding for rehabilitation or new construction (new construction limited to singe-room occupancy units and community residences). HOPWA funds also are directed towards housing information, referral and advocacy services.
Consistent with shifts in U.S. HUD policy and local policy recommended by the Housing Committee of the Miami-Dade HIV/AIDS Partnership and adopted by the City of Miami, HOPWA funds are directed at housing and housing-related services only due to the limited resources available to meet the housing needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS in the Miami-Dade EMD. To ensure that recipients receive necessary supportive services to maintain housing stability, all recipients of HOPWA assistance must receive case management services through coordination with Ryan White-funded programs or other community-based programs.