Senior Rental Assistance Program 2nd Round Wait List Results
The application period for the Senior Rental Assistance (Round 2), closed on January 2, 2024. NOTE: Any applications POSTMARKED after that date have been disqualified.
Applications postmarked by the deadline from applicants living within City of Miami limits were included for the waiting list lottery. Inclusion in the lottery pool does not mean that the applicant is eligible for this program. Final eligibility is determined when the applicant is called from the waitlist and their case is reviewed to ensure they meet all program guidelines and have produced all of the program’s required documents as required by City Resolution 23-0459, ensuring that the information noted on the application is true and accurate.
Those persons on the waitlists will be contacted in numerical order (1, 2, 3, and so forth) via phone and via mail, with a letter indicating if any required documents must be provided in order to be processed for the assistance. The lottery waitlists that have taken place to date are posted below.
District 1 Wait List Results - This list has been fully processed.
District 2 Wait List Results - This list has been fully processed.
District 3 Wait List Results
Number |
Waitlist Name
(First Initial, Last Name, Last 4 Social Security) |
1 |
RConcepcion8248 |
2 |
EMilian7732 |
3 |
RNiebla5902 |
4 |
MSantos Yanez8159 |
5 |
MCarmona5076 |
6 |
WVillarroel0026 |
7 |
JGarcia5838 |
8 |
MMesa4930 |
9 |
LTorres8972 |
10 |
LGarcia3981 |
11 |
JDominguez9058 |
12 |
LLuis5770 |
13 |
GAriza9339 |
14 |
JFranquiz0408 |
15 |
JLopeira0137 |
16 |
JRauder Soto8299 |
17 |
LHOYOS3155 |
18 |
MBarzaga |
19 |
NRodriguez Martinez3329 |
20 |
CLozano9719 |
21 |
DSepulveda7287 |
22 |
VYong9816 |
23 |
FTriana |
24 |
ACurbelo7296 |
25 |
AMarquez6246 |
26 |
MRivera5759 |
27 |
ECalafell7783 |
28 |
MWagensommer5603 |
29 |
30 |
ECaballero1557 |
31 |
MDel Carmen Magarino8567 |
32 |
GHerrera6401 |
33 |
SSaballos7714 |
34 |
JHernandez5420 |
35 |
RBenedico0961 |
36 |
SPuentes1814 |
37 |
OGonzalez7814 |
38 |
CAlvarez |
39 |
JMilan Puebla7635 |
40 |
MGonzalez8119 |
41 |
SReyes5172 |
42 |
EHernandez5341 |
43 |
OCordoves4864 |
44 |
OHernandez9655 |
45 |
LBruzon |
46 |
AAliaga0707 |
47 |
JMedina3248 |
48 |
UVicens8600 |
49 |
GSuares2545 |
50 |
NAlvarez4390 |
51 |
DOihuela Perez0455 |
52 |
MAlfonso3841 |
53 |
WDuran2846 |
54 |
LAngaramo7991 |
55 |
MDuran7807 |
56 |
IBriceno Marin0508 |
57 |
OMachado5740 |
58 |
CPerez2504 |
59 |
ATorredemerrt9142 |
60 |
JMartinez3774 |
61 |
ICouto4649 |
62 |
CJavier Reyes0353 |
63 |
64 |
EArgudin6637 |
65 |
GBlandon6828 |
66 |
JHurtado1546 |
67 |
FOcampo Caicedo5668 |
68 |
69 |
JBrioso3012 |
70 |
BRicardo Tamayo0260 |
71 |
BLeyva3713 |
72 |
RVarela9409 |
73 |
MMESA2527 |
74 |
Tde Los Angeles Figueroa Sardinas6862 |
75 |
76 |
MReyes Exposito0895 |
77 |
RGorrin5710 |
78 |
CReynoso1308 |
79 |
RRosal2915 |
80 |
NGonzalez Gonzalez7381 |
81 |
SSanchez1368 |
82 |
PArmenteros3987 |
83 |
JLarrrazabal9330 |
84 |
AMaldonado9492 |
85 |
CMarquez2683 |
86 |
CRivas1559 |
87 |
MValverde7087 |
88 |
GCuello1037 |
89 |
GMendez5861 |
90 |
TAmador2458 |
91 |
EJuanes1649 |
92 |
CQuintero5982 |
93 |
MMatos5838 |
94 |
RGladys Llerena0540 |
95 |
RLopez Seonae4117 |
96 |
CTabor9183 |
97 |
RGonzalez9320 |
98 |
99 |
LChu8265 |
100 |
RTamayo8593 |
101 |
MEspinoza8799 |
102 |
103 |
ATorres8647 |
104 |
HGarcia5136 |
105 |
APEREZ4618 |
106 |
MMesa1438 |
107 |
JMelero |
108 |
AToledo3977 |
109 |
ERojas Alvarez9116 |
110 |
CMorejon6123 |
111 |
112 |
TArmenteros9650 |
113 |
RJuviel3520 |
114 |
JGonzalez2046 |
115 |
MGural6088 |
116 |
EMiranda7579 |
117 |
118 |
JDavila Sr. |
119 |
GJordan2569 |
120 |
HHorta1068 |
121 |
JHernandez4907 |
122 |
NMartinez5741 |
123 |
JRodriguez3442 |
124 |
DAcosta3042 |
125 |
JAvila5167 |
126 |
MPadron0169 |
127 |
SArmstrong1059 |
128 |
AAravz3125 |
129 |
130 |
MJimenez8058 |
131 |
AGalindo5636 |
132 |
FAlvarado3920 |
133 |
CPaez Malagon4239 |
134 |
OBryan5666 |
135 |
ECaba6610 |
136 |
ILopez2493 |
137 |
GCalderon3024 |
138 |
AGonzalez3856 |
139 |
AGomez0519 |
140 |
CCastellanos0397 |
141 |
NAranda4094 |
142 |
RMendiola3723 |
143 |
PGonzalez5561 |
144 |
JMoreno4830 |
145 |
RRivero3376 |
146 |
NJardines Brito4503 |
147 |
JToyos4121 |
148 |
MLozano8927 |
149 |
CNino8966 |
150 |
AJulio Alegria2382 |
151 |
FVargas6423 |
152 |
CSanchez9608 |
153 |
RMorales8658 |
154 |
NBravo2566 |
155 |
RLopez0771 |
156 |
157 |
EGonzalez |
158 |
AAu1380 |
159 |
FRivas3811 |
160 |
MFrias0524 |
161 |
ORodriguez4980 |
162 |
MMoro7212 |
163 |
FRojas2872 |
164 |
APereira |
165 |
ACasas2156 |
166 |
MRosell7793 |
167 |
IRodriguez Lazo9095 |
168 |
MPerez-Llona5916 |
169 |
RBriceno0697 |
170 |
BSosa4343 |
171 |
ASalinas0972 |
172 |
AReyes8338 |
173 |
OAguilera7386 |
174 |
175 |
MPerez4166 |
176 |
RMolina8940 |
177 |
HHislop0262 |
178 |
MLazo Viejo6305 |
179 |
PBilbao6576 |
180 |
RFerrer2216 |
181 |
CAraujo4085 |
182 |
MMelendez0792 |
183 |
MCecilia Garcia4984 |
184 |
RHernandez5596 |
185 |
JFernandez7515 |
186 |
MNajarro1076 |
187 |
LOrtega6559 |
188 |
LCoaboy5190 |
189 |
RSegovia4766 |
190 |
ELopez0143 |
191 |
GDorta5335 |
192 |
CLuis2399 |
193 |
SCardenas3682 |
194 |
MAbreu7963 |
195 |
NLopez9248 |
196 |
SZayas8107 |
197 |
RValdes5493 |
198 |
BSarria1772 |
199 |
MGonzalez-Gonzalez8849 |
200 |
MWarner7130 |
201 |
MToruno4578 |
202 |
JValdivia Vega1951 |
203 |
EDe Boyrie0265 |
204 |
AClara dos Santos3721 |
205 |
MDiaz8473 |
206 |
HNoda9974 |
207 |
RGarcia Perez0784 |
208 |
ECartier1508 |
209 |
RAbrahante6593 |
210 |
SNarayan0479 |
211 |
FRomero8210 |
212 |
TArencibia4611 |
213 |
TRoura |
214 |
HCapdevila9266 |
215 |
PCrespo8547 |
216 |
MRodriguez1945 |
217 |
MPinto Cortes5414 |
218 |
219 |
POrtega Sanchez4974 |
220 |
CLiendo1754 |
221 |
JGonzalez2980 |
222 |
GSERPA4531 |
223 |
AZez3866 |
224 |
CGarcia Mirabal8601 |
225 |
AHernandez |
226 |
AFrometa8525 |
227 |
JHernandez0477 |
228 |
GGutierrez |
229 |
JVail0042 |
230 |
RSondon5698 |
231 |
ASantana |
232 |
CRivas |
233 |
XGonzalez7792 |
234 |
ONaranjo3563 |
235 |
AAlvaron9258 |
236 |
MForte2725 |
237 |
SReyes2664 |
238 |
239 |
MMendez6289 |
240 |
OSanchez4244 |
241 |
NFresneda6205 |
242 |
NGuerra1838 |
243 |
SDiaz Acanda2833 |
244 |
XVazquez9675 |
245 |
BDopacio Martinez3732 |
246 |
GNavarro Medina8964 |
247 |
WConroy0955 |
248 |
EBlanco0444 |
249 |
BHernandez5958 |
250 |
YBauta9531 |
251 |
MBrito Curbelo2499 |
252 |
253 |
NCastillo6685 |
254 |
ERamirez9013 |
255 |
ICurra7919 |
256 |
JDip8361 |
257 |
CPujol7829 |
258 |
ILinares1484 |
259 |
HRabelo8231 |
260 |
PRomero2475 |
261 |
FPerez7284 |
262 |
MCabrera4843 |
263 |
MGonzalez4181 |
264 |
265 |
SGonzalez |
266 |
ARodriguez7965 |
267 |
IPino1217 |
268 |
EPadron0924 |
269 |
MRuiz0458 |
270 |
EMinguez6404 |
271 |
LVilchez0912 |
272 |
MAnderson9622 |
273 |
MMartinez8479 |
274 |
JRodriguez2982 |
275 |
GGuanchez8288 |
District 4 Wait List Results - This list has been fully processed.
District 5 Wait List Results - This list has been fully processed.