Senior Rental Assistance Program 2nd Round Wait List Results

The application period for the Senior Rental Assistance (Round 2), closed on January 2, 2024. NOTE: Any applications POSTMARKED after that date have been disqualified. 

Applications postmarked by the deadline from applicants living within City of Miami limits were included for the waiting list lottery. Inclusion in the lottery pool does not mean that the applicant is eligible for this program. Final eligibility is determined when the applicant is called from the waitlist and their case is reviewed to ensure they meet all program guidelines and have produced all of the program’s required documents as required by City Resolution 23-0459, ensuring that the information noted on the application is true and accurate.

Those persons on the waitlists will be contacted in numerical order (1, 2, 3, and so forth) via phone and via mail, with a letter indicating if any required documents must be provided in order to be processed for the assistance. The lottery waitlists that have taken place to date are posted below. 


District 1 Wait List Results - This list has been fully processed.

District 2 Wait List Results - This list has been fully processed.

District 3 Wait List Results

 Waitlist Name
(First Initial, Last Name, Last 4 Social Security
1 RConcepcion8248
2 EMilian7732
3 RNiebla5902
4 MSantos Yanez8159
5 MCarmona5076
6 WVillarroel0026
7 JGarcia5838
8 MMesa4930
9 LTorres8972
10 LGarcia3981
11 JDominguez9058
12 LLuis5770
13 GAriza9339
14 JFranquiz0408
15 JLopeira0137
16 JRauder Soto8299
17 LHOYOS3155
18 MBarzaga
19 NRodriguez Martinez3329
20 CLozano9719
21 DSepulveda7287
22 VYong9816
23 FTriana
24 ACurbelo7296
25 AMarquez6246
26 MRivera5759
27 ECalafell7783
28 MWagensommer5603
30 ECaballero1557
31 MDel Carmen Magarino8567
32 GHerrera6401
33 SSaballos7714
34 JHernandez5420
35 RBenedico0961
36 SPuentes1814
37 OGonzalez7814
38 CAlvarez
39 JMilan Puebla7635
40 MGonzalez8119
41 SReyes5172
42 EHernandez5341
43 OCordoves4864
44 OHernandez9655
45 LBruzon
46 AAliaga0707
47 JMedina3248
48 UVicens8600
49 GSuares2545
50 NAlvarez4390
51 DOihuela Perez0455
52 MAlfonso3841
53 WDuran2846
54 LAngaramo7991
55 MDuran7807
56 IBriceno Marin0508
57 OMachado5740
58 CPerez2504
59 ATorredemerrt9142
60 JMartinez3774
61 ICouto4649
62 CJavier Reyes0353
64 EArgudin6637
65 GBlandon6828
66 JHurtado1546
67 FOcampo Caicedo5668
69 JBrioso3012
70 BRicardo Tamayo0260
71 BLeyva3713
72 RVarela9409
73 MMESA2527
74 Tde Los Angeles Figueroa Sardinas6862
76 MReyes Exposito0895
77 RGorrin5710
78 CReynoso1308
79 RRosal2915
80 NGonzalez Gonzalez7381
81 SSanchez1368
82 PArmenteros3987
83 JLarrrazabal9330
84 AMaldonado9492
85 CMarquez2683
86 CRivas1559
87 MValverde7087
88 GCuello1037
89 GMendez5861
90 TAmador2458
91 EJuanes1649
92 CQuintero5982
93 MMatos5838
94 RGladys Llerena0540
95 RLopez Seonae4117
96 CTabor9183
97 RGonzalez9320
99 LChu8265
100 RTamayo8593
101 MEspinoza8799
103 ATorres8647
104 HGarcia5136
105 APEREZ4618
106 MMesa1438
107 JMelero
108 AToledo3977
109 ERojas Alvarez9116
110 CMorejon6123
112 TArmenteros9650
113 RJuviel3520
114 JGonzalez2046
115 MGural6088
116 EMiranda7579
118 JDavila Sr.
119 GJordan2569
120 HHorta1068
121 JHernandez4907
122 NMartinez5741
123 JRodriguez3442
124 DAcosta3042
125 JAvila5167
126 MPadron0169
127 SArmstrong1059
128 AAravz3125
129 RVALDES3976
130 MJimenez8058
131 AGalindo5636
132 FAlvarado3920
133 CPaez Malagon4239
134 OBryan5666
135 ECaba6610
136 ILopez2493
137 GCalderon3024
138 AGonzalez3856
139 AGomez0519
140 CCastellanos0397
141 NAranda4094
142 RMendiola3723
143 PGonzalez5561
144 JMoreno4830
145 RRivero3376
146 NJardines Brito4503
147 JToyos4121
148 MLozano8927
149 CNino8966
150 AJulio Alegria2382
151 FVargas6423
152 CSanchez9608
153 RMorales8658
154 NBravo2566
155 RLopez0771
156 AHERRERA6303
157 EGonzalez
158 AAu1380
159 FRivas3811
160 MFrias0524
161 ORodriguez4980
162 MMoro7212
163 FRojas2872
164 APereira
165 ACasas2156
166 MRosell7793
167 IRodriguez Lazo9095
168 MPerez-Llona5916
169 RBriceno0697
170 BSosa4343
171 ASalinas0972
172 AReyes8338
173 OAguilera7386
175 MPerez4166
176 RMolina8940
177 HHislop0262
178 MLazo Viejo6305
179 PBilbao6576
180 RFerrer2216
181 CAraujo4085
182 MMelendez0792
183 MCecilia Garcia4984
184 RHernandez5596
185 JFernandez7515
186 MNajarro1076
187 LOrtega6559
188 LCoaboy5190
189 RSegovia4766
190 ELopez0143
191 GDorta5335
192 CLuis2399
193 SCardenas3682
194 MAbreu7963
195 NLopez9248
196 SZayas8107
197 RValdes5493
198 BSarria1772
199 MGonzalez-Gonzalez8849
200 MWarner7130
201 MToruno4578
202 JValdivia Vega1951
203 EDe Boyrie0265
204 AClara dos Santos3721
205 MDiaz8473
206 HNoda9974
207 RGarcia Perez0784
208 ECartier1508
209 RAbrahante6593
210 SNarayan0479
211 FRomero8210
212 TArencibia4611
213 TRoura
214 HCapdevila9266
215 PCrespo8547
216 MRodriguez1945
217 MPinto Cortes5414
218 IFLORES2127
219 POrtega Sanchez4974
220 CLiendo1754
221 JGonzalez2980
222 GSERPA4531
223 AZez3866
224 CGarcia Mirabal8601
225 AHernandez
226 AFrometa8525
227 JHernandez0477
228 GGutierrez
229 JVail0042
230 RSondon5698
231 ASantana
232 CRivas
233 XGonzalez7792
234 ONaranjo3563
235 AAlvaron9258
236 MForte2725
237 SReyes2664
239 MMendez6289
240 OSanchez4244
241 NFresneda6205
242 NGuerra1838
243 SDiaz Acanda2833
244 XVazquez9675
245 BDopacio Martinez3732
246 GNavarro Medina8964
247 WConroy0955
248 EBlanco0444
249 BHernandez5958
250 YBauta9531
251 MBrito Curbelo2499
252 NMOLINA3563
253 NCastillo6685
254 ERamirez9013
255 ICurra7919
256 JDip8361
257 CPujol7829
258 ILinares1484
259 HRabelo8231
260 PRomero2475
261 FPerez7284
262 MCabrera4843
263 MGonzalez4181
265 SGonzalez
266 ARodriguez7965
267 IPino1217
268 EPadron0924
269 MRuiz0458
270 EMinguez6404
271 LVilchez0912
272 MAnderson9622
273 MMartinez8479
274 JRodriguez2982
275 GGuanchez8288


District 4 Wait List Results - This list has been fully processed.

District 5 Wait List Results - This list has been fully processed.