Virginia Key Basin Trail at Miami Marine Stadium

Project Number: 40-B17354
Project Cost: $1,648,445
In an effort to improve access along the waterfront edge of the Marine Stadium basin, The City of Miami, through a DEP Recreational Trail Grant, will restore the existing basin trail. This will include previous paving treatment and additional enhancements along the trail.
The Basin Trail is now complete and open to the public!

March 7th, 2024 Groundbreaking Ceremony!
Project Elements:
- This project will be implemented in two phases:
- Phase I approximately 5350 LF (liner feet) of crushed granite with reinforce structural grid to serve as a recreational trail measuring approximately 11 Feet in width.
- Phase II approximately 2850 LF (linear feet) of crushed granite with reinforce structural grid to serve as a recreational trail measuring approximately 7 Feet in width.
- This will be a safe, recreational trail around our beautiful Biscayne Bay that supports the Virginia Key master plan and is part of the Virginia key enhancements, per the City’s capital plans. The goal of the project is to create uninterrupted access to the full U-shape trail to link with the historic Miami Marine Stadium, which is approximately 8,000 linear feet.
- Funded in parts with two grants one for each phase from Florida Department of Environmental Protection Recreational Trails Program.
- Phase I and Phase II of the project will be built in parallel.
- The project is funded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Recreational Trails Program through two grants, one for each phase.
Project Benefits
- This project supports the Virginia Key master plan and is part of the Virginia key enhancements per the City’s capital plans. The goal of the project is to create uninterrupted access to the full U-shape trail and linked to the historic Miami Marine Stadium approximately 8,000 linear feet.
Project Boundaries

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