Right of Way Improvements by South Shenandoah Mini Park

PROJECT IS COMPLETE! - The City of Miami Office of Capital Improvements (OCI) is currently working in the design and typical sections of a mobility solutions for roadway improvements by South Shenandoah Mini Park.

La Oficina de Capital Improvements de la Ciudad de Miami (OCI) está trabajando en el diseño y secciones típicas de mejoras de carreteras adyacentes al Mini Parque South Shenandoah, proporcionando una solución de movilidad al vecindario.

City of Miami held a Community Meeting on Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Please view the PowerPoint presentation presented to the community through the following link: B-203518-Roadway-Improvements-by-S.-Shenandoah-Mini-Park.pdf(PDF, 5MB)

Project Drainage, Roadway and Tree Disposition Plans (Diagrams):

You may view the diagrams below as a pdf files (for clearer visualization) after the five (5) plan images.  

Drainage Project Plan: The diagram below contains the drainage improvement plans that will be part of the project.  


Roadway Plan: The diagram below contains the roadway improvement plans that will be part of the project.


Tree Disposition Plan: The three (3) diagrams below contain the disposition of trees and tree protection notes and details.  




PDF files of the five diagrams above: B203518-Design-Plans-5-pages-and-cover.pdf(PDF, 6MB)

Project area / Área del proyecto (Boundaries):

-The right-of-way adjacent to South Shenandoah Mini-Park at 1197 SW 19 Avenue to the intersection of SW 12 Street and SW 19 Avenue

- El derecho de paso adyacente a South Shenandoah Mini-Park en 1197 SW 19 Avenue hasta la intersección de SW 12 Street y SW 19 Avenue

Map of the South Shenandoah Mini Park Right of Way Improvements Area

Roadway improvements include:

  • Roadway restoration and reconstruction
  • Drainage improvements
  • Installation of curbs and gutters
  • Accessibility ramps

Las mejoras en las carreteras incluyen:

  • Restauración y reconstrucción de carreteras
  • Mejoras de drenaje
  • Bordillos y cunetas
  • Rampas de accesibilidad

Design Plans - Typical Sections / Planos de Diseño – Secciones Típicas:

SW 19th Avenue:

Shenandoah Mini Park Right of Way Improvements Typical Sections Image of SW 19th Avenue


SW 12th Street:

Shenandoah Mini Park Right of Way Improvements Typical Sections Image of SW 12th Street  

Existing Conditions - Condiciones Existentes:

Roadway near Shenandoah Mini Park  Shenandoah-Mini-Park-ROW-Improvements-3.jpg

Provide your feedback about this project here / Deja tus comentarios sobre este proyecto aquí