If you are curious if an application to change the FLUM or text of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) is going through the public hearing process, you can find out now. The City has a meeting portal where you can search for all applications currently in process of being heard by all hearing boards and committees, including the City Commission. All FLUMs and text amendments have to be heard by the Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board (PZAB) and, after there is a vote there, they are heard twice by the City Commission. All changes to the MCNP adopted by City Commission at Second reading are subject to a 31-day appeal period.
If you have questions about a specific FLUM amendment or a text amendment, contact us in Comprehensive Planning. Research past amendments to the MCNP by seeing the list of amending ordinances at the beginning of the MCNP, here.