Typology Approach: With nine different Typologies of streets found within the project limits. These typologies have been mapped and categorized in a spreadsheet to allow the City to easily identify and quantify the changes required to the infrastructure in order to maximize the canopy on any given street within the project area. This will allow for cost models and budget planning to achieve the planting goals.
Urban Forestry Strategy: Through an urban forestry lens, the diversity of trees is imperative for a healthy and resilient canopy. Diversity can be approached from two sides, the first being tree species and the second tree size. Having more biodiversity within the population of canopy coverage creates greater resiliency to pests and diseases making it more manageable if a problem were to arise. The variety within in tree sizes not only correlates to the spacing and structure of the urban forest but is more related to the age and maturity of the canopy which effects the flow of benefits from the trees as well as effecting proper allocation of funds for requisition and maintenance.
Heat and Canopy Coverage Priorities: The overall strategy of this Master Plan is to plant the right trees in the right place, maximizing their potential to provide shade. This means that on streets where there are overhead utility lines, the species selection will not be uniform. Many people love the look of a uniform species of trees lining both sides of a street. However, if there are overhead utility lines this is a condition that should not be attempted. Instead, it is recommend that the side of the street without the overhead utility be optimized for planting the largest shade trees possible, and the side under the overhead utilities be planted only with smaller, appropriate species. This asymmetrical planting scheme will achieve the highest quantity and quality canopy coverage, that will require the least amount of long-term maintenance.