Wynwood 3rd Avenue Woonerf Scope
Local Office will develop a blueprint for a Woonerf (i.e. a Dutch version of a pedestrian-primary, bicycle friendly “shared” street) consisting of street trees, landscaping, street furniture, sculptures, artistic wayfinding and other streetscape enhancements to NW 3rd Ave. The NW 3rd Ave Woonerf will encompass the entire publicly owned right-of-way along NW 3rd Avenue from NW 25th Street to NW 29th Street. The Scope of Services include providing a full range of urban design and landscape architectural & civil engineering services for the design of the NW 3RD Avenue Woonerf that takes into consideration the following:
- Strengthening sense of place, neighborhood identity, and aesthetics through the identification of strategic tree species, shrubs planting systems, art, sculpture, furniture, play and exercise equipment, and their locations;
- Development of public landscaping scheme for the NW 3rd Avenue Woonerf which interacts with the surrounding art on private property, without conflicting or obstructing visibility of art applied to building exteriors;
- Building the community’s resilience to the impacts of climate change through tree canopy to reduce the heat island effect, and reintroduction of native plant species;
- Maintaining and enhancing the quality of the air, water, and land through a mature tree canopy’s ability to sequester carbon and release oxygen;
- Promoting Green Infrastructure opportunities to mitigate urban stormwater runoff from the surrounding neighborhood;
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the creation of an attractive and comfortable pedestrian and cycling route to reduce car dependency;
- Developing minimum planting standards above and beyond those in Miami 21, and establishing industry best practices for planting treatment, irrigation, suspended pavement systems, etc…;
- Automobile traffic and parking study under the assumption that NW 3RD Avenue is restricted to one lane of traffic with the potential for limited parking and no loading.
- Eliminating all curbs and curb-cuts from right of way where possible.
- Developing specific standards for enhancement of bike-lanes, transit stops and pedestrian facilities;
- Encouraging interaction with surrounding hubs of pedestrian experience, such as Wynwood Walls, Wynwood Arcade and Wynwood Block, through specific design interventions.
- Producing thoughtful treatment of street intersections, insuring safe and continuous pedestrian and bicycle passage along the entire length of the Woonerf.
- Providing additional attention to northern gateway segment and how it interacts with NRD-1 and community to the north.