Replacement of Seawalls Shorecrest

Miami-Forever-Bond-_1.pngFlorida Department of Environmental Protection Logo

This work was funded in part through a grant agreement from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Resilient Florida Program. The views, statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the State of Florida or any of its subagencies.
February 2025.

Project Number: 40-B233812

Project Scope:

Design and construction of shore protection at three locations within the Legion Park and Shorecrest neighborhoods. The works includes a new seawall, raising or replacement of two seawalls, dredging, bursting outfall pipes, installing manhole structures, tidal valves, manatee grates, riprap, guardrails, pavement milling and resurfacing, signage and pavement markings, street lighting, and landscaping.

Project Cost Estimate:


Project Benefits and Impacts:

  • Number of properties impacted: Total = 5 (2 Residential and 3 Non-Residential)
  • Total property value protected: $19M

Project Boundaries:

The project limits are bounded by 

Legion Park: NE 64 Street and Biscayne Bay

Shorecrest: NE 84 Street and Ademar Canal; N Bayshore Drive and Davis Canal

Map indicating 40-B233812 Project Boundaries.png

Map indicating 40-B233812 Project Boundaries.png

Estimated Construction Timeline:

  • Estimated Construction Start: Summer 2026
  • Estimated Construction End: Fall 2027

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