Special Permits
Are you trying to open a business (or a residence that functions as a business such as a group home), and the Miami 21 code states that you need a Warrant for your usage and zone? The City of Miami issues Warrant permits for proposed uses in transect zones where the function is not allowed by right.
Apply for a Warrant
Are you trying to build or renovate a business or residence, and your plans are not 'allowed by right' according to Miami 21 code? The City of Miami issues Waivers intended to relieve practical difficulties in complying with the Miami 21 Code, when such Waivers meet a specific list of requirements.
Apply for a Waiver
Are you trying to open a business, and the zoning code states that you need an Exception? The City of Miami issues Exception permits for proposed uses in transect zones where the function is not allowed by right. Exception permits require a hearing with the PZAB (Show info) and may require City Commission approval.
Apply for an Exception
Are you trying to change the zoning designation of your property? The City of Miami offers change of zoning processes that go before hearing boards for approval. NOTE: New rezone applications are heard by PZAB twice a year (March and September). Based on those dates, we encourage that you start this process at least six months before your desired hearing date. You may not request a hearing for a rezone until you have gone through the full rezone request process.
Request a Change of Zoning (Rezone/FLUM/SAP)
Are you trying to complete a By-right Project? The City of Miami offers an initial review for projects that don't require any entitlements (i.e. Waivers, Warrants, Variances, Exceptions)
Request an Administrative Site Plan Review (ASPR)