November 4, 2025 City of Miami General Election

Blue and gray box image with the words General Election November 5, 2025

A General Municipal Election for the Mayor and City Commissioners shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in odd-numbered years. A run-off election for the mayor and city commissioners shall be held on the second Tuesday in December, in odd-numbered years. All elections held in said city shall be conducted and held according to the provisions of the general election laws of the State of Florida, except as otherwise provided for in the Charter

  • General Municipal Election: Tuesday, November 4, 2025
  • Run-Off Election (if required): Tuesday, December 9, 2025


A General Municipal Election will be held on November 4, 2025 for the purpose of electing the following:

  • Mayor
  • Commissioner District 3


Becoming a Candidate / When and What to File:

If you're interested in becoming a candidate, you must file the following two documents with the Office of the City Clerk located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133:

1- FORM DS-DE 9 - Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for Candidates. This form must be filed prior to making expenditures, accepting contributions, or circulating petitions. Each candidate shall, at the same time Form DS-DE 9 is filed, designate the office for which he/she is running. Note: Only persons designated as treasurer or deputy treasurer may sign campaign checks. A candidate may be his/her own treasurer or deputy treasurer. (See F.S. 106.021.)

     Form DS-DE 9 must be filed (received by the filing Officer):

  • Prior to opening of a campaign account.
  • Prior to the candidate accepting any contributions or make any expenditures.
  • Prior to obtaining signatures on a candidate petition form (Form DS-DE 104).

After filing the “Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Depository (Form DS-DE 9)”, a candidate may proceed to open a campaign account, receive contribution(s), and/or make expenditures.

Please consult your bank to determine what documents are required to open a campaign account.

IMPORTANT - A campaign account must be opened prior to qualifying. The qualifying fee MUST be paid with a check drawn on the candidate’s campaign account.

2- FORM DS-DE 84 - Statement of Candidate. The candidate must file this form with the Office of the City Clerk within ten (10) days after filing Form DS-DE 9 (Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for Candidates).   

NOTE - Documents filed with the Office of the City Clerk are public records and may be placed on the City’s website. 




Important Dates:

Election Dates

Qualifying Period

Early Voting Period

General Municipal Election
November 4, 2025

Friday, September 5, 2025 through Saturday, September 20, 2025*

To Be Determined

Run-Off Election (If Necessary)
December 9, 2025

Not Applicable

To Be Determined

* Hours for Qualifying Period: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Note: the City Clerk's Office will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 20, 2025)
Location for Qualifying Period: Miami City Hall, Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133

2025 Deadlines for Campaign Reports and Important Dates - for Candidates, Political Committees and Electioneering Communication Organizations 

Dates are subject to change. Please contact the Office of the City Clerk for updates. 

Campaign Treasurer's Reports: 
Each campaign treasurer designated by a candidate, Political Committee (PC), or Electioneering Communication Organizations (ECO) shall file Campaign Treasurer’s Reports of all contributions received, and all expenditures made, by or on behalf of such candidate. Campaign Treasurer’s Reports shall be filed on or before the due dates listed above.

Campaign Treasurer’s Reports shall be filed with the Office of the City Clerk.  Campaign Treasurer’s Reports shall be filed through the City’s electronic filing system using the Online Reporting Application.  To access the application, the candidate, PC or ECO must first obtain a login ID and password from the Office of the City Clerk.  Online submissions of Campaign Treasurer’s Reports must be received no later than midnight (Eastern Standard Time) on the day designated per Section 106.0705 (3), Florida Statutes. Any candidate, PC or ECO failing to electronically file a Campaign Treasurer’s Report on the designated due date shall be subject to a fine for each late day as provided in Section 106.07 (8)(b) and 106.0703(7), Florida Statutes.  Such fine shall be paid only from personal funds of the candidate.

In any reporting period during which a candidate, PC or ECO has not received any contributions or expended any reportable funds; a candidate, PC or ECO must electronically file a Waiver of Report, Form DS-DE 87, on or before the due dates listed above with the Office of the City Clerk. 

For more information, please refer to Florida Statutes 106.07 and 106.0703.



November 4, 2025 - Election Day for the City of Miami General Municipal Election  

Voters with Special Needs 
Every voting location in Miami-Dade County meets Americans with Disability Act (ADA) standards. Each one is equipped with a paper-based voting system that uses touchscreen and/or audio technology, which could help voters who have issues with their eyesight, trouble reading or disabilities

Find My Voter Information and View Customized Sample Ballot 
Miami-Dade County Elections Department online Voter Information Tool allows you to read your customized sample ballot, request a mail ballot, check status of your mail ballot, learn when your next election will be, where to vote on election day and make changes to our voter information. 

Voter Registration

View the Florida Voter Registration/Voting Guide (2024)

Vote-By-Mail Information (VBM)
Important Voter Information FOR VOTE-BY-MAIL: Due to recent changes in Florida law, all requests for vote-by-mail ballots expired at the end of the calendar year (December 31st). Therefore, if you have NOT updated your Vote-By-Mail this year and want to continue voting by mail, please submit your request. The deadline to request a vote-by-mail ballot is 5 p.m. on the twelfth (12th) day before the election. The vote-by-mail ballot request must be received by the Miami-Dade Office of the Supervisor of Elections by 5 p.m.; a postmarked vote-by-mail ballot request is not valid. 

Additional Note: Once you have your vote-by-mail ballot - the vote-by-mail ballot must be returned and received by the Supervisor of Elections no later than 7:00 p.m. (local time) on election day for the respective election, in order to be counted.

If a voter forgets to sign their vote-by-mail envelope or their signature does not match, state law allows voters the opportunity to submit an affidavit to cure their vote-by-mail ballot. The affidavit must be completed and submitted to the Miami-Dade County Elections Department, along with a copy of their identification, by 5:00 p.m. on the second day after an election. Contact Miami-Dade Elections at (305) 499-8683.

Vote by Provisional Ballot
Provisional Ballot - A person casting a provisional ballot shall have the right to present written evidence supporting their eligibility to vote to the Supervisor of Elections by no later than 5:00 p.m. on the second day following the election.

Voter Information, Voter Information Guides, and Precinct Locator

Know where to vote - It’s important that all voters view their assigned voting location before going to the polls.
Tuesday, November 4, 2025 – On Election Day, polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and voters must go to their assigned voting location. Voters whose polling place are changed will be notified by mail and signage will be placed at the original location redirecting the voter to the new location, consistent with Florida Statute.  

Become a Poll Worker
Make a difference in your community and be a Poll Worker.