Hurricane Kits + Checklists

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Emergency Kits & Checklists 


  • 2-week supply of medication, medical supplies used regularly and a list of allergies
  • List of the style, serial number, and manufacturer information of required medical devices
  • Flashlights, do not use candles and be sure to have enough batteries
  • Radio Battery operated or hand cranked radio, a NOAA weather radio
  • Cash Banks and ATMs may not be available after a storm 

First Aid:

  • First Aid Manual 
  • Sterile adhesive bandages of different sizes 
  • Sterile gauze pads 
  • Hypoallergenic adhesive tape 
  • Triangular bandages Scissors 
  • Tweezers 
  • Sewing needle 
  • Moistened towelettes 
  • Antiseptic 
  • Thermometer 
  • Tube of petroleum jelly 
  • Safety pins 
  • Soap
  • Latex gloves
  • Sunscreen 
  • Aspirin or other pain reliever
  • Anti-diarrheal medicine 
  • Antacid
  • Laxative
  • Cotton balls 
  • Q-tips

Important Documents:

  • Insurance cards
  • Medical records
  • Bank numbers
  • Credit card numbers
  • Copy of social security card
  • Copies of birth and/or marriage certificates
  • Other personal documents
  • Set of car, house, and office keys
  • Service animal I.D., veterinary records, and proof of ownership
  • Information about where you receive medication, the name of the drug, and dosage
  • Copy of will
    • *Items should be kept in a waterproof container


  • Keep your motor vehicle tanks filled with gasoline 

Pet Care Items:

  • Pet food and water
  • Proper identification
  • Medical records/ microchip info
  • A carrier or cage
  • Muzzle and leash
  • Water and food bowls
  • Medications
  • Supplies for your service animal 


  • Include seasonal or rain gear and sturdy shoes or boots.

Phone Numbers:

  • Maintain a list of important phone numbers including county emergency management office, evacuation sites, doctors, banks, schools, veterinarian, a number for out of town contacts, friends & family

Special Needs Items:

  • Be sure to include specialty items for infants, small children, the elderly, and those family members with a disability

Food and Water:

  • Food
  • Enough for at least seven (7) days, nonperishable packaged or canned food and beverages, snack foods, juices, baby food, and any special dietary items
  • Non-electric can opener
  • Paper plates
  • Napkins
  • Plastic cups
  • Utensils
  • Water (1 gallon per person)