Report Flooding

Do you want to report flooding in the street, a suspected problem with a storm drain, or otherwise need assistance related to a storm or flooding? The City is partnering with ISeeChange to track and document storms and flooding with Miami residents. Community feedback over time will be considered in the development of our citywide stormwater master plan. Your report will be forwarded to the appropriate City department to respond to issues as quickly as possible. We appreciate hearing from you!

If this is an emergency, please call 911.

Keep in mind:

  • To use this service, the flooding issue must be within City of Miami limits. (You can use our tool to search an address. City of Miami is in the highlighted area). 
  • This service does not apply to flooding inside your home.
  • If the water is continuously going down, this is likely not flooding or a clogged drain, and you likely do not need to report it.


Sign up on ISeeChange

 ISeeChange makes it easy to add your images and updates from anywhere and at any time. You can report via the web or install the free app on your phone.

Report on ISeeChange

Do you see flooding when it rains or during a storm, or do you experience "sunny day flooding" during high tides? Do you notice the existing drainage system seems to be clogged? Using ISeeChange, take some pictures and let us know how bad the flooding is, where you see it, and what you believe is the cause so we can address the issue appropriately. 

We'll monitor your reports

You're done! The City will review your reported sighting and dispatch the appropriate personnel to address the matter as quickly as possible. Your reports will help us address immediate issues and prioritize larger projects in the City's Capital Plan. If we have more questions or specific updates for your reported issues, we will respond to your submission directly.