Report an ADA Access Complaint

Is there a city building, street or mode of transportation that you cannot access due to your disability? You can report any city building, street or mode of transportation without an ADA access point through our online form.


Record Location.

When reporting a city building, street or mode of transportation be as specific as possible — the nearest street address, near the driveway, an intersection, etc.

Example: "The sidewalk in front of the green house between SW 2nd Avenue and SW 3rd Street." 

Report Access Complaint.

Click Here to Report Online

We Will Review Your Complaint.

The Department of Risk Management ADA Division will respond to each request no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the request. 

NOTE: If the location specified does not fall within the City of Miami's jurisdiction, we will notify you of the correct office to contact. 

Appeal, if Appropriate.

If you are unsatisfied with the decision you receive, you may complete a grievance report.

File Grievance Form

TIP: If you have a problem with access to a building in the city of Miami, please visit our ADA Discrimination page.