Precautionary Measures
(Should be initiated at beginning of each Hurricane Season, and on an ongoing basis)
1.) Have your vessel Hurricane Plan established. Know in advance where you are going to, what you are going to do, and when you are going to do it.
2.) Involve a friend or family member(s) in your vessel Hurricane Plan so that they may assist you if you are out of town or unable to get to your vessel in the event of an approaching storm. Initiate a "dry run" to ensure that you are ready for the real thing.
3.) Make sure that your vessel's operating systems are in good working order. Replace fuel filters, inspect batteries/charging system, keep fuel tanks topped off. Inspect all bilge pumps/connections. Inspect firefighting equipment for readiness.
4.) Inspect all working and spare dock lines and ground tackle (check chain and shackles). Ensure that all extra line is in good condition and in an accessible location. Have sufficient chafing gear for all working lines (neoprene hose works well).
5.) Devote some time to practice tying your vessel as you would for a Hurricane or severe storm. Make sure that your extra line is of sufficient quantity and strength.
Active Measures
(To be initiated at least 72 hours before Hurricane expected landfall)
1.) If relocating your vessel from a Marina, do it now. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be getting to where you are going. Vessels remaining in the Marinas that require relocation to other slips (for purposes of vessel safety and cleat/piling stress reduction) will be moved at this time.
2.) Strip as much as you can from the vessel topsides. Bimini tops, dinghies, motors, sails, roller furling, outriggers, chairs, should be stowed.
3.) Enhance watertight integrity above and below the waterline -seal windows, doors, hatches (duct tape will work). Shut sea cocks, cap off or plug unvalved through-hull fittings such as sink drains. Clear cockpit drains.
4.) Make sure that the vessel bilge is free from sludge, debris, and obstruction. Check batteries, connections, charging system, and bilge pumps/connections again.