Appeal Permit/Property Specific or Qualified Applicant Mural Decision

Would you like to appeal either a 1) Permit/Property specific mural issuance or 2) Qualified applicant decision to the City Commission?


Obtain the Address and/or the Mural Permit Number

If you do not have the information, please contact the Office of Zoning at 305.416.1499.

Is the Appeal Period Open?

Appeals related to either a 1) Permit/Property specific mural decision or 2) Qualified applicant mural decisions may be submitted with the Hearing Boards Division at any time either in-person or online through this webpage

Gather Documents

To appeal you will need:

  • Appeal Letter - Your appeal letter must indicate which one of the decisions you are appealing, and any other required information pursuant to the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("Code"). Note: If you are interested in appealing both types, then two separate appeal packages must be submitted.
  • Proof of Lobbyist Registration- If you are a lobbyist, please provide a copy of your lobbyist registration. If you do not have a copy, or have not yet registered, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.250.5360.
  • Corporate Resolution from Board of Directors providing authority to submit the appeal on behalf of the organization, if you are representing an organization
  • Certified list of adjacent property. Whichever method you choose, you will be able to obtain the information in either format and for no cost through the City's GIS property search tool here.

         1 - For in-person appeals, only: Provide a list of the names and addresses of the property owners and the address(es) within 500 feet of the property indicated on the permit or the status decision. Please format the information as indicated here(PDF, 147KB), and send the Excel file to


         2- For appeals submitted through this web page: Provide a list of the names and addresses of the property owners and the address(es) within 500 feet of the property indicated on the permit or the status decision an individual Excel file that you will submit along with your other appeal materials. Please format the information as indicated here(PDF, 147KB).

  • Signed, attestation(PDF, 241KB) by the person who prepared the list of adjacent property owners within 500 feet
  • Other pertinent documents- Provide any other pertinent document that you would like to make a part of your appeal, such as Disclosure to Support or Withhold Objection(PDF, 139KB) , Power of Attorney, etc.

Review Fees

A complete appeal is one that has all the required paperwork submitted plus all fees paid by the close of business on the appeal period end date. If you are filing an appeal as either the property owner or an aggrieved party, then you will need to pay the following fees: If you are filing an appeal as the original applicant or an aggrieved party, you will need to pay the following fees:

  • An appeal fee of $800.00
  • $4.50 per notice that needs to be mailed out
  • $1,500.00 for advertising


Request and Pay Your Invoice

We strongly recommend that you contact Hearing Boards no later than 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday (we are closed on holidays), at to obtain your appeal invoice. You will receive an invoice the same day, which you can pay and then continue with your appeal submission.  Your invoice must be paid in full prior to the acceptance of your appeal. When requesting an invoice, please indicate the decision you are appealing, along with the subject address, if applicable. If mail notices are applicable, please include the number of property owners within 500 feet of the subject property indicated. 

NOTE: The online system will not accept an appeal submission until your invoice has been paid.

  • Invoices can be paid online here utilizing the "Transaction ID" # from your invoice (select payments, dropdown menu "Financial Transaction ID").
  • You can also pay your invoice in person at the Cashier's Office located at: 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 4th Floor, Miami, Florida 33130.  The Cashier's Office is open Monday - Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, except on holidays.

IMPORTANT: Appeal fees are non-refundable.

File your Appeal

Appeals must be filed with the Hearing Boards Division either in-person (at the below address) or online using our below form. Reminder: The online system will not accept an appeal submission until your invoice has been paid. 

Submit Appeal Online

Miami Riverside Center
444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor
Miami, Florida 33130


Appeals are accepted in person Monday - Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. We are closed on weekends and holidays. Appointments are appreciated but are not necessary. Please contact Hearing Boards staff if you wish to make an appointment. Appeals also are accepted online until 11:59 PM on the appeal period end date.

Await Response

Assuming all of your documents are in order and you have paid your fee(s), you will be notified via email about your hearing date within two (2) business days. 

NOTE on the Importance of Completed Files: Only a complete, timely filed, and fully paid appeal will be accepted.  In-person appeals will be time-stamped and initialed by the Division of Hearing Boards. Only withdrawal letters shall be accepted outside of an appeal period. The appeal will be scheduled to be heard at the first available City Commission meeting; a tentative meeting date will be provided by Hearing Boards staff via email within two (2) business days after filing.