Permitting Forms & Documents

NOTE: The documents below can not be used to begin a permit application

If you are looking to begin a permit application, please visit our Permits & Construction page or refer to our Guide to Getting a Permit for more information. Once you have applied for a permit, you will be notified if any of the documents listed below are required for your application. You can also explore our Permit Catalog or use the search bar to find specific forms or documents. 

On this page, you will find: 
  • Document Checklists: These checklists outline the required documents for the most common application types. 

  • Legacy Building Forms: These forms are for legacy projects (applications submitted before the launch of ePlan on December 5, 2018). 

  • Affidavits/Applications: These documents need to be printed, filled out, and scanned into your ePlan account. 

All new permit applications must be completed digitally through our iBuild & ePlan systems. You can find additional help and resources by visiting the Building Department FAQs page or our ePlan System’s FAQs page. If you require in-person assistance, please visit our Assistance Request page to reach the appropriate department.  
Reminder: These documents are NOT applications (other than the legacy permit, see below). You can not start the permitting process here.

View our Guide to Getting a Permit our Permit Catalog or the Building Department for help. All permit applications must be started electronically in iBuild or ePlan.  

Below, please find a list of Building Forms to be Used for Legacy Projects (Applications before ePlan, 12/5/18), or affidavits/applications that need to be printed and scanned into your ePlan account. 

40/50 Year Recertification

 Address Change Checklist 2021(PDF, 185KB)

TenantImprovementHoldHarmlessAndIndemnificationAgreement(PDF, 244KB)

affidavit_of_compliance_roof_decking.pdf(PDF, 382KB)

affidavit_of_compliance_roof_to_wall.pdf(PDF, 390KB)

Change Of Architect or Engineer(PDF, 230KB)


Roof to Wall Affidavit(PDF, 388KB)

Plan Process number Cancellation(PDF, 87KB)

Building Form for Special Events(PDF, 130KB) (this is not the Special Event application)

Affidavit30DayElectric.pdf(PDF, 404KB)

FireRatedJointPenetrationAffidavit.pdf(PDF, 368KB)

hold_harmless.pdf(PDF, 286KB)

InsulationCertificate.pdf(PDF, 200KB)

owner_affidavit-of-exemption.pdf(PDF, 408KB)

PhasedPermitsHoldHarmless(PDF, 211KB)     

posttensionaffidavit.pdf(PDF, 366KB)                                                                     

Private Provider Program

Re-Nailing-affidavit-of-compliance_roof-decking.pdf(PDF, 381KB)

requestforfoliochange.pdf(PDF, 326KB)

RequestforRefund.pdf(PDF, 119KB)

revocationofpermit.pdf(PDF, 365KB) 

Roofing-Owners-Notification-Considerations.pdf(PDF, 670KB)

SoundTransmissionAffidavit.pdf(PDF, 401KB) 

Uniform Roofing Application Form(PDF, 1MB)

Standard Detail- Masonry Fence(PDF, 268KB)

Standard Detail - Metal Fence(PDF, 280KB)

Standard Detail - Wood Fence(PDF, 293KB)

Legacy Permit Application - This should only be used for the following: 

  1. Legacy Additional Plans/Shop drawings/Revisions (project applications that began on paper, before ePlan). 
  2. Legacy sub-permits
  3. Completions greater than 10K
  4. Legacy Extension requests

Please complete the application below, get it signed and notarized and email it in PDF format to

Legacy Permit Application(PDF, 177KB)


Below, you will find a checklist of all "Special Permits" with detailed information about what documentation is required to apply for the permits.  

Address Change Checklist 2021(PDF, 185KB)  

Alcohol-Reservation-Letter(PDF, 165KB)

Assisted Living Facilities ALF(PDF, 255KB)

Certificate-of-Appropriateness(PDF, 207KB)

Certificate-of-Approval(PDF, 256KB) 

Certificate of Transfer – Affordable Housing Payout -NRD 1(PDF, 812KB)

Certificate-to-Dig(PDF, 176KB)

Class-II-Permits(PDF, 216KB)

Comprehensive Plan Amendment(PDF, 245KB)

Development Agreement Checklist(PDF, 258KB)

ePLAN-Public-Benefits-Checklist(PDF, 185KB)

Exception(PDF, 242KB)

Miami 21 Extension(PDF, 211KB)

State of Emergency Extension(PDF, 192KB)

Historic-Resource-Nomination(PDF, 193KB)

Interim-Parking(PDF, 148KB)


Rezone Checklist(PDF, 248KB)

Special Area Plan Designation Checklist(PDF, 307KB)

Special Area Plan (SAP) Permit Checklist(PDF, 188KB)

Special-Appearance(PDF, 264KB)

Special-Certificate-of-Appropriateness(PDF, 205KB)

Special-District-Permit-SDP(PDF, 207KB)

TDD-Certificate-of-Transfer-NRD-1(PDF, 252KB)

TDD Certificate of Eligibility for NRD-1(PDF, 262KB)

TDR Certificate of Eligibility for NRD-1(PDF, 192KB)

TDR-Certificate-of-Transfer-NRD-1(PDF, 248KB)

TDD-Certificate-of-Transfer-for-Historic-Resources(PDF, 189KB)

TDR-Certificate-of-Transfer-for-Historic-Resources(PDF, 258KB)

TDD-Certificate-of-Eligibility-for-Historic-Resources(PDF, 152KB)

TDR-Certificate-of-Eligibility-for-Historic-Resources(PDF, 264KB)

Temporary-Use-Permit-Vacant-Land-Only(PDF, 167KB)

Transfer of Development Density (Covenant Checklist)(PDF, 202KB) 

Transfer of Development Rights (Covenant Checklist)(PDF, 203KB) 

Unity-of-Title / Covenants-Checklist(PDF, 157KB)

Vacation-Closure(PDF, 301KB)

Variance(PDF, 264KB)

Waiver(PDF, 184KB)

Warrant(PDF, 210KB)

Warrant-Alcohol-Beverages(PDF, 277KB)

Warrant-Outdoor-Dining(PDF, 273KB)

Warrant-Signage(PDF, 274KB)

Zoning-Preliminary-Review(PDF, 182KB)

Please find the templates, below. For any questions or additional immediate requests, please contact us at
NOTE: These are protected WORD documents and can not be changed.

20%-Attainable-Mixed-Income-with-Impact-Fee-Deferral-Covenant-Template(DOCX, 42KB)
40%-Attainable-Mixed-Income-with-Impact-Fee-Deferral-Covenant-Template(DOCX, 45KB)
Affordable-or-Workforce-Housing-Rezoning-Covenant(DOCX, 37KB)
Attainable-Mixed-Income-with-Impact-Fee-Deferral-Covenant(DOCX, 50KB)
Attainable-Workforce-Housing-Development-Covenant-pursuant-to-Section-3.16-Impact-Fee-Deferral(DOC, 63KB)
Covenant-Form-Rezoning(DOCX, 37KB)
Covenant-General-Various-Restrictions(DOCX, 39KB)
Covenant-in-Lieu-of-Unity-of-Title(DOCX, 30KB)
Joinder-by-Mortgagee-Declaration(DOCX, 29KB) 
Off-Site-Parking-Covenant(DOCX, 41KB)
Opinion-of-Title-Form-Sample(DOCX, 24KB)
Release-of-Covenant-in-Lieu-of-Unity-of-Title(DOCX, 32KB)
Release-of-Restrictive-Covenant(DOCX, 34KB)
Release-of- Unity-of-Title(DOCX, 33KB)
Shared-Access-Driveway-Covenant(DOC, 48KB)
Single-Family-Use-Covenant(PDF, 178KB)
TDD-Covenant-Protected(DOCX, 36KB)
TDR-Covenant-Protected(DOCX, 37KB)
Unity-of-Title(DOCX, 58KB)
Workforce-or-Affordable-Housing-Covenant-Base-Form(DOCX, 38KB)

Elderly Housing:

20-Attainable-Mixed-Income-with-Elderly-Language with Impact Fee Deferral Covenant Template(DOCX, 52KB)
40 Attainable Mixed Income with Elderly Language with Impact Fee Deferral Covenant Template(DOCX, 55KB)
Attainable Workforce Housing Development Covenant with Elderly language pursuant to Section 3.16 Impact Fee Deferral(DOCX, 51KB)
Elderly Housing Covenant Template(DOCX, 54KB)

Website Accessibility Statement: The City of Miami is committed to making its website accessible to all users. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding the accessibility of our website, or need assistance using any of the features found within this site.