Get a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) or Completion (TCC)

If you want to gain early occupancy on a project that is still under minor construction but now includes a habitable space, you can apply for a TCO/TCC in order to occupy the building before obtaining a Certificate of Completion (CC) or Certificate of Occupancy (CO).  A TCO is issued for new construction or change of use (i.e. from a school to a restaurant), while a TCC is needed for remodels and renovations and for shell buildings.

A TCO/TCC grants residents/building owners the same rights as a CO/CC, however, is only valid for a temporary period of time. The City of Miami TCOs/TCCs are usually active for either 90/180/270/360 days (depending on approvals) from date of issue, after which they will expire. TCOs can be extended, if approved.

NOTE: When you are in iBuild, your permit application will indicate whether a CO or CC is required (this also informs you which "temporary" certificate you need, if desired). Not all permit types require a CO/CC (or TCO/TCC).


Request Proper Inspections

  • The TCO/TCC inspections are different than a "final" inspection. You must obtain a TCO/TCC inspection for each trade for which you will require a final inspection.
  • TCO/TCC inspections must be added to the inspection list by the Building department in-person (after you have completed your other inspections). Such requests may be made on the fourth floor of Miami Riverside Center (MRC) - 444 SW 2nd Ave.

Schedule TCO/TCC Inspections

Once you have been approved for TCO/TCC inspections above, you may schedule these inspections online (look for the TCO/TCC designations).

Request the TCO/TCC

Once you have passed all required TCO/TCC inspections, you have to officially request the certificate. You have two options for this process.

A. You can fill out this form.

Request TCO/TCC

B. You can visit the fourth floor and request/submit the TCC/TCO form. 

Pay for your TCO/TCC

  • You can look for your approval in iBuild - 'manage permit, search permit' and scroll down to history, there will be a note regarding the status of your request.  If approved, you will need to pay your invoice, which can be viewed on the 'fees' tab.
  • You can pay this invoice on the top tabs through 'payments - pay now' or pay in-person at the cashier on the fourth floor.

Print or Pick-Up Certificate

If you made your request and paid in-person, you will be called to come pick-up your certificate. If you requested & paid online, as soon as you are approved/paid, your certificate will appear in the 'certificates' tab in your iBuild account. You can print it from there.