View contact information for City of Miami employees and officials.
View a directory of the City of Miami's Departments and the services that each department offers.
View a list of the City of Miami's elected and appointed officials. We are updating this weekly.
This page shows all meetings of the City Commission, Boards and Committees. Creating an account, by selecting the Log in option at the top right of the page, will allow you to receive meeting agendas and enhance your overall experience on this portal.
Watch the City of Miami’s live committee meetings and see agendas, minutes, and more.
The City of Miami is committed to elevating the quality of life of its residents by improving public safety, housing, mobility, diverse shared spaces that foster community, and efficient and transparent government.
Do you want to watch a City of Miami commission or hearing board meeting that isn't online?
The City's Management & Budget office strives to efficiently and effectively develop, monitor, and communicate an operating and capital plan that manages resources responsive to the needs of all stakeholders.
View the City of Miami Calendar.