American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)

The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recover Funds, established by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 was launched by the U.S. Department and Treasury to provide $350 billion in emergency funding to respond to pandemic response needs, fill revenue shortfalls, and support the communities and populations hardest-hit by the COVID-19 crises.  The City of Miami is awarded $137,639,417.

On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was signed into law by the Federal Government and established the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund and Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, which together make up the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (“SLFRF”) program. This program is intended to provide support to State, territorial, local, and Tribal governments in responding to the economic and public health impacts of COVID-19 and in their efforts to contain impacts on their communities, residents, and businesses.

ARPA programs fall into different categories to solve different needs. To view The City's programs & initiatives, visit our Programs & Projects page.

The ARPA recommended categories include: 

Public Health (EC 1): The Fiscal Recovery Funds provide resources to meet and address public health needs, including through measures to counter the spread of COVID–19, through the provision of care for those impacted by the virus, and through programs or services that address disparities in public health that have been exacerbated by the pandemic.
Negative Economic Impact (EC 2): The Fiscal Recovery Funds to respond to the negative economic impacts of the COVID–19 public health emergency, are to address economic harm resulting from or exacerbated by the public health emergency and include Assistance to Unemployed Workers, Assistance to Households, Expenses to Improve Efficacy of Economic Relief Programs, Small Businesses and Non-profits, Rehiring Staff, Aid to Impacted Industries,  Building Stronger Communities through Investments in Housing and Neighborhoods, Addressing Educational Disparities, and Promoting Healthy Childhood Environments.
Service to Disproportionately Impacted Communities (EC 3):
Fiscal Recovery Funds under this category are for services to address health disparities and the social determinants of health, build stronger neighborhoods and communities (e.g., affordable housing), address educational disparities (e.g., evidence-based tutoring, community schools, and academic, social-emotional, and mental health supports for high poverty schools), and promote healthy childhood environments (e.g., home visiting, child care).
Premium Pay (EC 4):
Since the start of the COVID–19 public health emergency in January 2020, essential workers have put their physical wellbeing at risk to meet the daily needs of their communities and to provide care for others. Premium Pay is for eligible workers performing essential work during the COVID–19 public health emergency or to provide grants to third-party employers with eligible workers performing essential work.
Infrastructure – Water, Sewer, and Broadband (EC 5):
Fiscal Recovery Funds provide funds to assist in meeting the critical need for investments and improvements to existing infrastructure in water, sewer, and broadband. The eligible use of funding under this category allows a broad range of necessary investments in projects that improve access to clean drinking water, improve wastewater and stormwater infrastructure systems, and provide access to high-quality broadband service.
Revenue Replacement (EC 6):

Fiscal Recovery Funds may be used for the provision of government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue experienced due to the COVID–19 public health emergency. Reduction in revenue is measured relative to the revenue collected in the most recent full fiscal year prior to the emergency. Under the Interim Final Rule, recipients calculate revenue loss using data as of four discrete points during the program: December 31, 2020, December 31, 2021, December 31, 2022, and December 31, 2023.

Administrative and Other (EC 7): Fiscal Recovery Funds may be used for direct and indirect administrative expenditures involved in administrating the program, including costs of consultants to support effective management and oversight, including consultation for ensuring compliance with legal, regulatory, and other requirements.

Natural Disaster (EC 8): The Fiscal Recovery Funds that can provide for emergency relief from natural disasters or the negative economic effects of natural disasters.

Surface Transportation (EC 9): Fiscal Recovery Funds that can be used to develop surface transportation infrastructure, in line with certain U.S. Department of Transportation programs. Fiscal Recovery Funds for surface transportation projects can be used in the following ways: 1. Supplementing surface transportation projects receiving funding from DOT (Pathway One) 2. Funding surface transportation projects not receiving funding from DOT (Pathway Two) 3. Satisfying non-federal share requirements for certain surface transportation projects or repaying a loan provided under the TIFIA program (Pathway Three).

Title I Projects (EC 10): These Fiscal Recovery Funds can be utilized to invest in community development in line with HUD’s Community Development Block Grant program. The eligible use of funding under this category allows for several eligible Title I uses, for example, acquisition of real estate for a public purpose, disposition of certain property, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation of public facilities, and certain housing services, subject to certain requirements and limitations.

The Task Force will program, manage, and expedite completion of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funded programs and/or projects within the City of Miami through focused project management to minimize delays, maximize benefit outcomes, and ensure completion on schedule.

American Rescue Plan Act City of Miami Task Force Chart

The City of Miami is awarded $137,639,417 to respond to the economic and public health impacts of COVID-19. The City will use these funds to assist its communities, residents, and businesses rebound back from the public health emergency.

City of Miami Fund Allocations:

Pie-graph image of the City of Miami's fund allocation.

Fund Allocation:

  • Community Projects: $39,748,674.16
  • Revenue Loss: $72,740,742.84
  • Housing and Community Development: $12,500,000.00
  • Innovation and Technology: $2,500,000.00
  • City-Wide Parks Equipment and Site Improvements: $2,000,000
  • Human Services: $2,150,000
  • Office of Management and Budget (ARPA Program Administration): $2,600,000.00

Total Allocated: $134,239,417.00

To view the City's initiatives, visit our Programs & Projects page.

ARPA Programs and Projects

The Interim (Initial) Report is to provide obligations and expenditures by Expenditure Category (not by project) and it must cover spending from March 3 to July 31, 2021 and it is due August 31, 2021

The initial quarterly Project and Expenditure Report will cover three calendar quarters from the date of award to December 31, 2021 and must be submitted to Treasury by January 31, 2022. The subsequent quarterly reports will cover one calendar quarter and must be submitted to Treasury within 30 calendar days after the end of each calendar quarter. The report must include project inventory, expenditures, project status, project demographic distribution, civil rights compliance; sub-award(s); and the required programmatic data for infrastructure and for non-infrastructure project.

  • 2023 
  • 2024
  • 2025 (Pending)
  • Q1 2025
  • Q2 2025
  • Q3 2025
  • Q4 2025
  • 2026 (Pending)
  • Q1 2026
  • Q2 2026
  • Q3 2026
  • Q4 2026

The Recovery Plan Performance Report will cover one year and must be submitted to Treasury by July 31 of each year and the seventh report on March 31, 2027. The Recovery Plan will provide the public and Treasury information on the projects the City of Miami is undertaking with program funding and how they are planning to ensure program outcomes are achieved in an effective, efficient, and equitable manner.