Improve storm and extreme weather preparedness outreach by covering a more comprehensive list of topics in outreach, targeting vulnerable populations using a multi-media (including possible electronic message boards in key locations, mobile texts, flyers) approach, and leveraging partnerships to increase constituents reached.
Inform City staff, using in-person and online webinars, how climate change affects Miami and impacts their work. Train City staff how to discuss climate change threats with the public and media.
Provide information to low income renters and property owners about no and low cost measures to reduce utility costs, through energy and water conservation and efficiency, and protect their homes from wind, flood, and electrical disruptions and, where applicable, how to access low cost financing.
Create a campaign to inform and encourage proper selection, planting and maintenance of trees, with an emphasis on tree maintenance during hurricane season.
Code, ORS, Comms, DEM, NET, RPW, Parks
Enhance existing educational anti-litter andcleanup programs and implementdata-based policies from city-wide plastic pollution survey recommendations to reduce impacts of litter and plastic pollution.
Continue to provide CERT trainings and recertification courses on a periodic basis throughout distinct geographical areas of the City. Strengthen the CERT program by developing methods for CERT members to communicate with each other and the City, helping members organize teams both pre- and post-disaster, and update curriculum to include climate change hazard and risk information.
Collaborate with the United Way to include opportunities and trainings for residents related to disaster preparedness along with climate hazard and risk information via the United Way Volunteer Portal.
Conduct a Citywide communications and gap analysis to better understand key messengers, effective communication channels, and language needs in each City neighborhood for more effective and efficient messaging. Combine and build on existing connections generated via Climate Ready andSWMPworkshops as well as existing NET relationships.
Identify and assess City-owned sites to potentially serve as neighborhood resilience hubs, sites that will serve as central points of information, resource distribution (PODs),and refuge for City constituents before and after a disaster event,but also provide our constituents with year-round programming and social services. Begin storm hardening and installation of basic enhancements where funding is available.
Brief elected officials on climate change impacts, Climate Ready strategy, and public talking points. Provide quarterly updates on the progress of this strategy to commissioners.
Participate in industry and university studies,and engage with professional organizations (e.g., USDN, ASCE, APWA, APA, ASAP) and eventsto identify BMP to reduce flood risk,improve stormwater quality for the City,and to promote national exposure for City's BMP.
Ensure residents have easy access to accurate and up-to-date information on the City's resilience actions by maintaining the Miami Forever Climate Ready subsite and growing the audience for the twice monthly Resilience Update newsletter.
Develop unified, plain language talking points about Miami's vulnerabilities to climate change and the City'sMFCRstrategy in multiple languages (Spanish, English, and Creole). Integrate climate change and resilience messaging across departments and initiatives.
Create a protocol for sharing information related to severe weather events such as King Tides, tropical storms/hurricanes, and extreme heat with the community. Information shared should be multilingual, developed with partner agencies such as the National Weather Service,and coordinated with municipalities that border the City of Miami.
Build public trust in major resilience investments by developing a consistent and transparent communication strategy for Miami Forever Bond and Stormwater Master Plan updates and engagement opportunities. Use this protocol to inform communications for other capital improvement projects.
Promote Climate Resilience Committee meetings as a two-way engagement channel for residents to learn about and advocate for resilience initiatives. Host meetings in different neighborhoods throughout the City to give more residents access.