Apply for a Certificate of Transfer in Wynwood NRD-1

Are you buying or selling density in the NRD-1 boundary? If so, you need to be approved for a Certificate of Transfer as part of the Wynwood Transfer of Development Density Program. The below steps will walk you through the application for approval. 

NOTE: It is the intent of the Wynwood Transfer of Development Density (TDD) Program to encourage the development of Affordable/Workforce Housing, Civic Open Space, and Legacy Use Floor Area within a Legacy Structure by creating a process whereby the otherwise unusable Development Density of a New NRD-1 development site, Legacy Structure, or improved open space area may be converted into an asset that may be sold to eligible receiving sites located within the NRD-1 boundaries. The Wynwood TDD Program, permitted only within the NRD-1, will facilitate the transfer of Density from Existing or New NRD-1 Development Sites, Legacy Structures, and improved Open Space sites to encourage new residential development that supports the character of Wynwood. Notwithstanding Chapter 23 of the City Code, no property within the NRD-1 boundaries may utilize any other TDD program that may be applicable under the Miami 21 Zoning Code or the City Code, either as a sending property or receiving site except as allowed herein. 




Determine If You Can Apply

  • If there are any liens or violations on this property, your application may be delayed until cured.  

Submit Application

Your application has two parts:

1. You will first need to complete a fillable PDF pre-application and get appropriate digital signatures. 

Pre-Application-for-COT_TDDs-programs-for-Wynwood-NRD-1(PDF, 198KB)

2. Once you've completed the document and gotten all necessary signatures, you will upload this as part of an online application form.

Complete Online Application

After you've hit submit, you'll receive an email copy of your application and a receipt number. 

Collect Documents

As your application is being reviewed, you will receive an email from ePlan within 3-5 business days, requesting that you upload a set of required documents. We suggest you prepare these documents now. 

NOTE: It's very important to follow ePlan's naming convention when uploading documents or drawings.  The below checklist itemizes all documents you'll need with the appropriate naming conventions for ePlan. 

TDD-Certificate-of-transfer-NRD-1-checklist-update-MAY-2024(PDF, 252KB)

Pay Fee

You will be notified in Eplan of an application fee. Be sure to pay this fee to ensure your application moves forward. 

What Happens Next?

  • Applications are reviewed internally by the Planning Department. Once the review is complete and all necessary documents have been signed and administrative fee paid, the Certificate of Transfer will be returned to the applicant for Recording at Miami-Dade County. A copy of the recorded Certificate of Transfer shall be uploaded to Eplan. 

  • For more information please visit: Miami 21 Zoning Code – Appendix J – Section 3.5. Wynwood Transfer of Density Program